Post 100? Wow!
A bit of a milestone for this little blog that started life as an experiment to get some blogging and website experience and then morphed into a sustainability and appropriate technology site.
So what to post? Why not a couple of random photos showing a taste of the backyard food forest bursting forth after our earlier permablitz and some of the produce.

A couple of panoramic shots of the some of the fruit trees showing the lush growth after installing the mulch pits. You can see Pears, Olives and one of the Loquat trees in this shot.

Peaches and Apricots galore!

The Grapes along the side fence are also doing very well.
A selection of produce and the Plum and Apricot jams I made this afternoon. And there is so much left on the trees, I will be able to bottle a several kilos of the apricots as well. I love apricots 🙂 .
Even the Squash is taking over!

Quite Literally

Well there you have it, a small selection of pictures showing some of the amazing results of the Permablitz. We have so much fresh goodies growing in the garden. And that doesn’t include the eggs and the honey.
The funny thing is we have been really busy over the last three months and have hardly had a chance to work in the garden/food forest so it is significantly under producing! We expect that, in 2015 we will have a huge surplus and the food forest will become almost self sustaining.
And that is simply awesome!